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Site Update

Thursday 9/30/21

11:00 am

Hey Hey Hey, I know I've been inactive again, I got a new job and had to uproot and move I'm working on being better but I also am back in school I'm trying my best but stay tuned for some exciting stuff. new art and blog posts will be up soon!





Site Update

Friday 6/18/21

12:.30 am

Hello Beautiful People, I am so sorry for being gone for so long things got a bit shaken up so it the way of life but I'm trying my best to get back into it also I hope you enjoy the new layout I think it looks better this way.





Site Update

Sunday 3/21/21

12:.30 am

Hello Beautiful People, I know everyone is waiting for the next blog post. Unfortunatly these past two weeks have been absolute chaos on top of normal Writers Block i was in a car accident that threw a wrench in my life for a week, i am also in the proccess of moving, and i learned my Great Grandmother had passed early this morning. I will try my best to get the Blog written up and posted with in the week. so please forgive me.


   Stay Safe.



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